How To Avoid Large Electricty Bills In Summer When Many People In Spain Rely On Air Conditioning

Air conditioning

Photo of a youthful lady clutching the remote control for the air conditioning unit. Acknowledgment: Andrey_Popov/

With the rising temperatures in Spain during the summer season, individuals living in households are confronted with the predicament of dealing with elevated electricity expenses due to the usage of air conditioning for cooling purposes.

This crucial household device is likely the primary star during the periods of scorching weather that the nation has encountered this year. Ensuring energy efficiency can play a vital role in managing and reducing electricity usage during this period.

A lot of customers are unsure about the appropriate temperature to set the air conditioning at, with the intention of reducing their energy expenses.

According to the Idealista website: 'It is recommended to use a moderate temperature, ranging from 22 to 25 degrees, instead of opting for lower temperatures'. They also suggest 'gradually lowering the room's temperature' as this will prevent excessive energy consumption and promote better well-being.

Due to the reduced exertion needed to achieve the desired room temperature, the air conditioner consumes less energy when operating within this specific range of moderate temperatures.

Switch Off Overnight

Instead of keeping the air conditioning on throughout the night, Idealista recommends switching it off and setting it to operate only during the daytime. They advise using the Eco mode of the unit during the suitable hours to maintain a cool temperature for a longer time while also saving on electricity costs consistently.

It is crucial to place air conditioning units in areas untouched by sunlight. They must always be situated in shaded spots and regularly maintained, preferably annually, including the filters.

Poorly kept accommodations put individuals at risk of being exposed to a variety of microorganisms that can stimulate allergies or potentially induce asthma attacks in those who suffer from it.

To Air Conditioning

Electric fans are an additional option. Despite the fact that the rotating blades do not generate cooler air, they can still contribute to lowering the overall temperature in a room by circulating the existing air.

It's always a smart move to bring down your awnings and blinds, as well as shut the curtains, whenever you can. By doing so, you create a shaded environment within the room, effectively reducing the impact of the sun's rays and gradually bringing down the temperature without relying on any electrical devices.

Wearing airy and loose attire can assist in maintaining a comfortable body temperature, whether inside or outside. It is also advisable to let fresh air circulate by opening doors and windows after the external temperature drops, as this aids in cooling the interior surfaces of a house.

Cheapest Solution: No Air Con

Clearly, the most cost-effective way to avoid accumulating a hefty expense is to abstain from utilizing the air conditioning. Whenever feasible, it is significantly more affordable to unlatch doors and windows in order to generate a refreshing flow of air.

Naturally, the air coming in from the outdoors may vary in warmth and may not be enough to provide you with a sense of coolness, depending on the ambient temperature.

Air conditioning also has its downsides, meaning that not everyone is fond of this cooling method. Excessive use of an AC unit can lead to dehydration as it removes too much moisture from a room. Additionally, setting the temperature too low can create a sensation of extreme coldness, suppressing the desire to hydrate oneself.

Headaches or migraines can occur as a distressing consequence of dehydration. Healthcare professionals ratify that dehydration is frequently disregarded as a potential cause for migraines.

Air-con Can Cause Dry Eyes

While air conditioning is not the primary cause of dry eyes, it certainly exacerbates the issue. The arid atmosphere can lead to uncomfortable and irritated eyes, often accompanied by a burning or stinging sensation.

Individuals who frequent air-conditioned environments often experience a higher probability of encountering upper respiratory discomfort affecting their eyes, nose, and throat, as opposed to individuals who opt for non-air-conditioned settings. These symptoms may encompass nasal congestion, a parched throat, or even rhinitis.

We always welcome input from our readers concerning ways to beat the heat during sweltering days, along with strategies to cut down on electricity expenses. Feel free to share your thoughts and suggestions with us!

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