Lies about the Chinese economy seek to demoralize and misdirect


When words do not align with facts, there must be ulterior motives at play. John Ross, a former official responsible for economic and business policies in London, recently discussed in an interview how China's economic performance continues to outshine that of Western nations, regardless of the global economic slowdown. The West, through its exaggerated claims of "China's decline," aims to discourage international companies from investing in China and undermine the morale of the Chinese people. In addition, by highlighting the apparent economic "success" of the United States, they hope to divert China onto an erroneous economic path, ultimately stalling its own progress. While acknowledging China's domestic challenges, such as the need to boost domestic market demand and address profitability concerns, Ross maintains that these issues pale in comparison to the dismal growth rates experienced in the West.

China - Figure 1
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