This graph reveals the world's sources of electricity | Boing Boing


Take a look at this informative chart that gives a quick overview of different sources of electrical energy.

Coal - Figure 1

Even though there are various sources of electrical energy now, coal remains the top source around the globe. In fact, it has actually grown by 1% from 2021 to 2022. This isn't surprising since it is the most inexpensive form of energy. Coal is mainly consumed by China and India which accounts for 70% of its usage. Meanwhile, the U.S. comes in third in using coal with 8.9%.

Fortunately, there's a positive development taking place with regards to the cost of renewable energy which has been decreasing every year.

Coal - Figure 2

Visual Capitalist reports that:

The production of electricity from renewable energy sources like wind, solar, and geothermal energy saw a remarkable surge with a growth rate of 14.7% in 2022 and contributed 14.4% of the total electricity generated. This commendable increase was primarily due to significant advancements in solar and wind technologies. On the other hand, non-renewable energy sources could barely manage to score a tiny growth rate of 0.4%.

Coal - Figure 3

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Coal - Figure 4

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Coal - Figure 5

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Coal - Figure 6
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