Pain Relief From Nature


Last week I talked about a plant called heliotropium indicum and people wanted to see pictures of it. Some people thought it was just a weed but not all plants are weeds. The rainy season is good for growing plants and it's important to know if they have any uses before cutting or burning them. They might be helpful for medicine.

There are times when you need a prescription for pain relief. You can also use natural remedies to ease the pain. Herbs and spices can help reduce inflammation. They are safe to use and do not have harmful side effects. The topic for this week is natural painkillers. I will talk about herbs and other things that can ease your pain.

Take a look at the herbs: There are various kinds of herbs. Some examples are basil, oregano, and rosemary. Herbs are used in cooking. They make food taste better. Herbs also have health benefits. Basil can help with digestion. Oregano has antioxidants. Rosemary can improve memory. Adding herbs to dishes can be a great addition.

Turmeric is important in a list of herbs for pain. It gives curry its yellow color. Studies say it helps arthritis and joint injuries. Curcumin from turmeric makes chemotherapy better. It might even stop head and neck cancer growth. The pigment gives the spice anti-inflammatory powers.

People use cloves as a pain reliever because they contain eugenol. Eugenol is also in some pain rubs. You can use clove oil too. You put it on your skin to reduce pain. In Yoruba, people call it 'kanafuru'. You can find cloves in zobo drinks.

Pineapple has a unique compound called bromelain. This compound has proteolytic enzymes that block pain signals. Bromelain acts as both a painkiller and anti-inflammatory. It also helps cleanse the blood, allowing more oxygen-rich blood to reach the areas that hurt or are swollen.

Papain is good for reducing pain and swelling. It is made from the skin of papaya fruit. You get it by cutting the skin of an almost mature papaya and drying the latex. It's best to do this in the morning. Papain is effective for joint pain and stiffness. People with arthritis can benefit from taking it. You can also get papain in different forms like capsules, chewables, and topical.

Ginger has salicylates. Your body makes it salicylic acid, which stops some prostaglandins and eases discomfort. It helps reduce pain due to its anti-inflammatory qualities. You can use ginger extract creams.

Did you know garlic has anti-inflammatory components? These help reduce swelling caused by cytokines. You can use garlic oil to soothe sore joints and muscles. Feeling tooth pain? Crush a clove of garlic and place it on the affected area. Garlic can even help fight cancer-causing substances in the body.

Cumin can help ease inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis. This spice has incredible healing properties. Including cumin in your diet may reduce joint pain. It's an affordable and accessible way to alleviate symptoms. People have been using cumin for medicinal purposes for centuries. Why not try incorporating it into your meals and see if it helps? Always consult with a healthcare provider before making changes to your diet or treatment plan.

Chilli peppers have capsaicin that some people use for pain relief. The substance might cause a slight burn feeling when applied. A study from 2011 showed creams or patches with capsaicin help manage pain. People will find capsaicin in many pain-relieving products.

You may not know this name, but this plant gives us frankincense. Boswellia has been used for a long time in Ayurvedic medicine. It helps with joint pain. Boswellia comes from a family of trees that make frankincense. The plant's gum from the paper bark helps with chronic pain. A study in 2020 found that Boswellia was safe and helped treat osteoarthritis pain. Frankincense can help reduce joint inflammation from arthritis.

Today, we will talk about essential oils for pain. Remember that essential oils are poisonous if consumed. If you use an essential oil on your skin, mix it with a carrier oil first.

Lavender oil is a natural way to ease pain. It is used for pain relief, better sleep, and less anxiety. In 2012, a small study showed that breathing in lavender oil helped with migraine pain. Studies with animals suggest that lavender oil has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, which can also reduce pain.

Rosemary oil can help ease pain. It might be good for headaches, muscle aches, bone aches, and seizures. Rosemary can also calm down inflammation, relax smooth muscles, and improve memory. Some scientists say that rosemary works on opioid receptors in the brain. They help control pain. In a 2013 study, rosemary oil helped people going through opium withdrawal feel less pain.

Peppermint oil is made from the Mentha piperita L. plant. Studies show it might help reduce inflammation, fight germs and reduce pain. The oil contains carvacrol, menthol and limonene. People dilute it and rub it onto the area that hurts. A review in 2015 found that peppermint can help with painful spasms and arthritis. Researchers said putting it on your head can also help with headaches.

Eucalyptus helps with pain, swelling, and inflammation. A study in 2013 showed inhaling eucalyptus oil relieved pain. It was compared with almond oil. The study involved patients recovering from knee surgery. They inhaled eucalyptus oil for 30 minutes a day for three days.

According to Mina Kamkar Asl's study, 'Analgesic Effect of the Aqueous and Ethanolic Extracts of Clove', the water-based extract of clove can relieve pain in mice.

A study about ginger says it can help reduce muscle pain. It's called 'Ginger as an Analgesic and Ergogenic Aid in Sport: A Systemic Review'. Patrick B. Wilson and others wrote it. They looked at seven studies. The studies show that taking about 2 grams of ginger a day can help. It works best if you take it for at least five days. This can help with muscle pain from intense exercise and running.

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