Neuralink Brain Chip Approved For Human Tests


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Neuralink got the US regulatory approval to test implants in humans. Elon Musk is the founder of Neuralink. The company makes brain chips. Brain chips help connect human brains to computers. Neuralink implants chips in the brain. The company got the US regulatory approval on Thursday. Neuralink will now test the implants on humans.

Neuralink has made chips. You can put them in your head. They help your brain and computer talk to each other. Neuralink thinks their chips can make blind people see again. The chips may also help people who can't walk, start to walk.

Mr. Musk has said many times since 2019 that his company is ready to experiment on humans to treat paralysis and blindness. But the US FDA said no to the company's proposals for human clinical trials.

Neuralink tried to get approval for human testing in 2022. However, the FDA said no. They gave several reasons why. The company needs to fix all these issues before trying again.

The FDA raised concerns about Neuralink's device using lithium batteries and the wires interrupting the brain.

The government agency is worried that the company's implants might cause harm to the brain if removed.

US government is investigating Neuralink for not taking care of their research monkeys. Animal rights activists have accused Neuralink of providing inadequate care to the monkeys.

A company that makes brain chips killed 1,500 animals. They did this between 2018 and now. The animals that were killed were sheep, pigs, and monkeys. Reuters has reported this information.

The US Department of Agriculture is investigating Neuralink for breaking the Animal Welfare Act.

The company wrote in a blog post about animal abuse complaints. They are strongly committed to treating animals with kindness and ethics.

They planned and thought deeply about how to use every animal. They wanted to balance science and ethics. This is according to a statement.

Mr. Musk tweeted in November that Neuralink's device is ready for humans. He said they're waiting for FDA approval before starting human trials.

Elon Musk says they want to make sure Neuralink works before testing it on humans. They've given most of their paperwork to the FDA. He says they'll likely be able to test it on a human in about six months.

The company got approval from the government to test on people. This happened on Thursday.

"We got the FDA approval for our first human clinical study!" exclaimed the brain chip company with excitement.

Neuralink said the FDA approval is the first step for their technology. They want to help many people in the future. The company will announce more information soon. They are looking for people to participate in clinical trials.

The Independent has asked the FDA about the Neuralink approval claim. The FDA has not replied yet.

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