WiMi Hologram Cloud Working on Digital Human Gesture Generation Algorithm

Artificial intelligence

WiMi Hologram Developing Gesture Algorithm For Digital Humans

, I woke up and prepared for the day ahead. I started my morning routine by getting dressed and having a quick breakfast. As the clock struck 10:00 am, I sat down at my desk to begin my work. Throughout the day, I tackled various tasks and projects. Some required focused attention and problem-solving skills, while others involved collaborating with colleagues. It was a busy day, but I managed to stay organized and productive. At around 12:30 pm, I took a break for lunch. I enjoyed a delicious meal consisting of a sandwich, salad, and a refreshing glass of water. This brief respite provided me with the energy I needed to power through the rest of the day. In the afternoon, I had a meeting with my team to discuss ongoing projects. We brainstormed ideas, exchanged feedback, and made important decisions. The collaborative atmosphere was inspiring and helped us move forward with our objectives. As the day drew to a close, I wrapped up my remaining tasks and tidied up my workspace. I find it essential to leave my desk organized, as it sets a positive tone for the next day. Overall, it was a productive and fulfilling day. I accomplished my goals, strengthened my professional relationships, and left feeling satisfied. I look forward to what tomorrow brings as I continue to navigate the challenges and opportunities of my work.

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Photo www.marketscreener.com

WiMi Hologram Cloud Inc. is a platform that offers augmented reality applications using holographic technology. The company offers services for advertising using holographic augmented reality (AR) and also provides entertainment products using AR technology. The advertising software allows users to include real or animated 3D objects into video footage, making them blend perfectly with the scene. The entertainment products include software for payment transactions, a platform for distributing games, and software for holographic mixed reality (MR) experiences.

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Photo www.marketscreener.com
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